Habitat Project

Upper Grande Ronde Tributary Assessment

The purpose of this Tributary/Reach Assessment is to assess and document reach-scale physical characteristics and how they have changed over time for the purpose of identifying suitable habitat improvement actions that address limiting factors.

This Tributary/Reach Assessment summarizes general watershed and refined reach-scale data and analyses presented in existing reports such as the Grande Ronde Subbasin Plan (NPCC 2004) and Development and Evaluation of a Data Dictionary to Standardize Salmonid Habitat Assessments in the Pacific Northwest, Fisheries (NOAA Fisheries 2012). This Tributary/Reach Assessment is a compilation report providing a range of scientific information relevant to habitat improvements for salmon and steelhead over a spatial scale fine enough to identify specific habitat improvement actions and coarse enough to support continuity between those actions. The purpose of this Tributary/Reach Assessment is to assess and document reach-scale physical characteristics and how they have changed over time for the purpose of identifying suitable habitat improvement actions that address limiting factors within the reach. The completed Tributary/Reach Assessment may be used to guide future habitat rehabilitation, ensuring that specific projects are developed and advanced in a manner suitable to the geomorphic character and trends prevalent throughout the reach. In this way, a watershed and reach-scale approach to habitat improvement can be facilitated.

Project Lead: Bureau of Reclamation (BOR)

First Foods this project targets


River Vision Touchstones this project targets

Aquatic Biota
Riparian Vegetation

No funders found.

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Upper Grande Ronde Tributary AssessmentGrande Ronde Atlas Strategic Restoration Strategy Exec Summ_Feb2013.pdfUploaded file Grande Ronde Atlas Strategic Restoration Strategy Exec Summ_Feb2013.pdf
Upper Grande Ronde Tributary AssessmentUpper Grande Ronde Tributary Assessment_BOR_Jan2014.pdfUploaded file Upper Grande Ronde Tributary Assessment_BOR_Jan2014.pdf

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