Reports & Data

CTUIR Fisheries Habitat Program Reports & Data

View and download relevant  reports and data for the CTUIR Fisheries Habitat program.

Project Files

Title File Description
2008 Columbia Basin Fish Accords Memorandum of Agreement between the Three Treaty Tribes and FCRPS Action Agencies2008_CBfishaccords_MOA.pdfThe Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation)( the "Action Agencies") and the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, and the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) ("the Tribes" or "the Treaty Tribes") (collectively "the Parties") have developed this Memorandum of Agreement ("Agreement" or "MOA") through good faith negotiations. This Agreement addresses direct and indirect effects of construction, inundation, operation and maintenance of the Federal Columbia River Power System and Reclamation's Upper Snake River Projects, on fish resources of the Columbia River Basin.
Aligning environmental management with ecosystem resilience: a First Foods example from the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian ReservationQueampts_FirstFoods_2018.pdfThe concept of "reciprocity" between humans and other biota arises from the creation belief of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR). The concept acknowledges a moral and practical obligation for humans and biota to care for and sustain one another, and arises from human gratitude and reverence for the contributions and sacrifices made by other biota to sustain human kind. Reciprocity has become a powerful organizing principle for the CTUIR Department of Natural Resources, fostering continuity across the actions and policies of environmental management programs at the CTUIR. Moreover, reciprocity is the foundation of the CTUIR "First Foods" management approach. We describe the cultural significance of First Foods, the First Foods management approach, a resulting management vision for resilient and functional river ecosystems, and subsequent shifts in management goals and planning among tribal environmental staff during the first decade of managing for First Foods. In presenting this management approach, we highlight how reciprocity has helped align human values and management goals with ecosystem resilience, yielding management decisions that benefit individuals and communities, indigenous and nonindigenous, as well as human and nonhuman. We further describe the broader applicability of reciprocity-based approaches to natural resource management.
CTUIR Fisheries Habitat Program StrategyCTUIR Fisheries Habitat Program Strategy.pdfThe Fisheries Habitat Program addresses channel and floodplain function and aquatic habitat deficiencies through a systematic, holistic watershed planning approach termed the Riverine Ecosystem Planning Approach
First Foods Upland VisionCTUIR DNR Upland Vision April2019.pdfThis document outlines a vision for desired characteristics of upland ecosystems that will facilitate the production of First Foods and serve as a foundation for natural resource management and restoration activities to ensure healthy, resilient and dynamic upland ecosystems.
Physical Habitat Monitoring Strategy (PHAMS) for Reach-Scale Restoration Effectiveness MonitoringPHAMS_EffectivenessMonitoringApproach.pdfHabitat restoration efforts by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) have shifted from the site scale (1-10 meters) to the reach scale (100-1,000 meters). This shift was in response to the growing scientific emphasis on process-based restoration and to support from the 2007 Accords Agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration. With the increased size of restoration projects, the CTUIR and other agencies are in need of applicable monitoring methods for assessing large-scale changes in river and floodplain habitats following restoration. The goal of the Physical Habitat Monitoring Strategy is to outline methods that are useful for capturing reach-scale changes in surface and groundwater hydrology, geomorphology, hydrologic connectivity, and riparian vegetation at restoration projects. The Physical Habitat Monitoring Strategy aims to avoid duplication with existing regional effectiveness monitoring protocols by identifying complimentary reach-scale metrics and methods that may improve the ability of CTUIR and others to detect instream and riparian changes at large restoration projects. (Jones et. al. 2015)
The Umatilla River VisionTheUmatillaRiverVision_JonesEtAl2008.pdfThe Umatilla basin includes a healthy river capable of providing First Foods that sustain the continuity of the Tribe's culture. This vision requires a river that is dynamic, and shaped not only by physical and biological processes, but the interactions and interconnections between those processes. (Jones et. al. 2008)

Image Files

Title File Description
CTUIR Riverine Ecosystem Planning Approach DiagramThe Fisheries Habitat Program addresses passage, channel and floodplain function and aquatic habitat deficiencies through a systematic, holistic planning approach termed the Riverine Ecosystem Planning Approach.
Incorporating CTUIR River Vision into the Fisheries Habitat Program approachDiagram of the incorporation of the CTUIR River Vision into the Fisheries Habitat Program approach.
Using a First Foods Management and River Vision Approach to Guide Fisheries Floodplain RestorationDiagram outlining a River Vision guided Fisheries Habitat Program that supports floodplain restoration and increased First Foods for Tribal use.

Individual Subbasin Project Reports & Data

View and download relevant  reports and data for each of the fisheries habitat subbasin projects.

Walla Walla Subbasin Fish Habitat Enhancement Project
NF John Day Habitat Improvement Project
Umatilla Subbasin Fish Habitat Restoration
Grande Ronde Subbasin Fish Habitat Restoration
Tucannon River Fish Habitat Restoration Project

Assessments and Action Plans

Below is a list of the Assessment and Actions plans in each of the CTUIR Subbasins. Click on the Restoration Plan title to see more information about the assessment project or open the relevant pdf documents and links listed.

Walla Walla River Basin

Touchet Restoration Prioritization Plan

Lower Mill Creek Habitat and Passage Assessment and Strategic Action Plan

Upper Walla Walla Assessment and Strategic Action Plan


Lower Walla Walla River Geomorphic Assessment and Action Plan

Couse Creek Assessment

John Day River Basin

John Day Basin Partnership Strategic Action Plan

Desolation Creek Geomorphic Assessment and Action Plan

Camas Creek Watershed Assessment

Fox Creek Restoration Plan

Umatilla River Basin

Birch Creek Assessment and Action Plan

Meacham Creek Assessment

Mainstem Umatilla Assessment and Strategic Action Plan

Grande Ronde River Basin

Catherine Creek Tributary Assessment

Upper Grande Ronde Tributary Assessment

Tucannon River Basin

Tucannon Restoration Prioritization Plan