Habitat Project

Camas Creek Watershed Assessment

Protect, enhance, and restore functional, healthy and sustainable riparian, floodplain, channel and watershed process to protect and restore fisheries and aquatic species in the North Fork John Day watershed.

The local community in and around Ukiah, Oregon requested the CTUIR's assistance in addressing sediment deposition within Camas Creek in and around Ukiah, Oregon. To that end the CTUIR developed a brief that identified baseline data describing conditions and processes. This brief led to conversations with and within the local community and the North Fork John Day Watershed Council’s development of an OWEB grant application to support their facilitation efforts which was awarded in late 2013. A larger and more complete assessment of geomorphic, hydrologic, and climactic factors as they related to past land management practices and current conditions was subsequently undertaken by the CTUIR. The assessment was delivered to the local community in March of 2016 and included an evaluation of prospective treatments throughout the Camas Creek basin and more specifically the area immediate to Ukiah. Support for the communities preferred option of dredging continues while that for actions which would address process and the root cause of sediment deposition were set aside. The CTUIR continues to discuss the issues with members of the community and will provide assistance if/when there is an appropriate amount of support for a process driven approach.

Project Lead: CTUIR

Project Collaborators: CTUIR, NF John Day Watershed Council, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board

First Foods this project targets


River Vision Touchstones this project targets

Aquatic Biota
Riparian Vegetation

Project Funders

Funder Funding Amount
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board$8,985

File Library

Title File Description
Camas Creek 2003 AssessmentCamas Creek 2003 Assessment.pdfUploaded file Camas Creek 2003 Assessment.pdf
Camas Creek 2012 CTUIR BriefCamas Creek CTUIR Brief.pdfUploaded file Camas Creek CTUIR Brief.pdf
Camas Creek 2017 Assessment FinalCamas Creek Assessment Final.pdfUploaded file Camas Creek Assessment Final.pdf

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