The CTUIR fisheries habitat program has contributed to advancing the understanding of floodplain processes and restoration nationally, regionally, and locally.
The program has taken a role in Informing policy, management, and regional guidance:
Developed Call to Action at the CRITFC 2016 Future of Our Salmon Conference – Healthy Floodplains, Living Rivers”
OWEB and OWRD Program Technical Input
Strategic Action Planning & Investment Strategy – including vision development & communication, & appropriate long-term goals.
Fisheries program staff participate and represent CTUIR on Boards, Councils and Technical Review Teams for habitat restoration prioritization and funding:
Snake River Salmon Recovery Board (SRSRB)
Tucannon Implementers; Regional Technical Team and Lead Entity
Mill Creek Working Group and Coalition
John Day Partnership
Umatilla Floodplain Restoration Team
Grande Ronde Model Watershed & TAC
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Regional and Small Grant Review Teams
Subbasin Watershed Councils
Subbasin Technical Teams
Program and Project awards recognizing technically sound restoration practices have been awarded in multiple basins.
The program has produced numerous video productions used in TV and web, web applications and story maps to support public outreach and collaborative efforts.